Contact us
Main office
13A Wingate Ave, Ascot Vale VIC 3032
(03) 9376 7929
(03) 9376 9748
Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm (by appointment)
(Closed 12.30 – 1.15 PM)
Monday and Tuesday nights from 6.30pm
– resuming mid-January

Wheelchair access

Access to interpreters
Night Service (resuming mid-January)
Mondays and Tuesdays from 6.30 PM
Please contact us to arrange an appointment,
as drop-ins are subject to nightly availability.
Flemington Outreach
NEW Flemington Library
313 Racecourse Road, Flemington
Niddrie Outreach
Niddrie Library
483 Keilor Road, Niddrie
Please contact us to arrange an appointment
Avondale Heights Outreach
Avondale Height Library
69 Military Road, Avondale Heights
Please contact us to arrange an appointment

Whilst Moonee Valley Legal Service makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and
currency of information contained on this website, to the extent permitted by law
Moonee Valley Legal Service excludes all liability for anything contained or accessed via
this site and any use made of it. The information contained on the Moonee Valley Legal
Service web site is provided for informational purposes only: it is not intended as legal
advice and must not be relied upon. If you do have a legal problem, issue or question,
you should seek legal advice.