Projects and Partnerships
Ongoing outreaches
See some of our current projects and partnerships below:

Integrated Services
The Integrated Services team at MVLS provides warm referrals for our clients to other organisations co-located at our office and Wingate Avenue Community Centre. These organisations provide support for:
- Family violence and elder abuse
- Financial counselling and coaching
- Disability supports and NDIS
- Youth engagement and homelessness
- Employment and study
- Settlement services
Legal Outreaches
- Sam Merrifield, Niddrie, and Avondale Heights libraries
- Cooper street Community Centre, Essendon
- Flemington public housing estate
- Travancore Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) service
- cohealth Older Person High Rise
- Wintringham, Carlton
Bicultural Legal Concierge Program
The Legal Concierge Program trains and employs multicultural young people living or connected to the Ascot Vale and Flemington public housing estate to provide legal engagement, education, and referrals to the residents.
Legal Concierge workers provide a trusted, culturally competent and safe link between community members and MVLS and improve outcomes and build stronger relationships for community members.
The Legal Concierge Program is gratefully supported by Victoria Law Foundation.
Safe from Harm
Safe from Harm offers Moonee Valley residents free legal advice and assistance in relation to family law and family violence matters. Additionally, culturally specific legal education can also be provided to groups and organisations in the local area.
Moonee Valley Family Violence Network
The Network meets frequently to share updates and build connectedness between services. Regular community engagement events take place each year to increase awareness of family violence and available supports.
Contact us if you would like to join.