Moonee Valley Legal Service provides FREE legal services to people who live, work or study in the City of Moonee Valley.
We provide legal assistance on a range of matters including

Family Violence

Housing Problems

Fines & Infringements

Family Law

Criminal Law

Much More
Fine Fixer is a free online tool to help Victorians understand and resolve their fines.
Latest News
Demolition and Redevelopment of Flemington Towers
The Victorian Government plans to demolish and redevelop 44 public housing towers around Melbourne. 120 Racecourse Road and 12 Holland Court,...
Annual General Meeting
MVLS are delighted to host Prof. The Hon. Jill Hennessy GAICD for our AGM this year. Invitations have been out to all members. If you are a...
Fines Are Not Fine!
FineFixer has relaunched! FineFixer 2.0 aims to simplify an incredibly complicated fines system, by helping people with Victorian fines understand...
Thankyou to all
Our AGM is always an opportunity to thank our supporters, partners, members, volunteers, clients, and staff. You can find our most recent annual...
Don’t forget to vote!
The Moonee Valley Legal Service wholeheartedly supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the YES campaign for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait...
NDIS forum
The Moonee Valley Legal Service hosted a multiagency stakeholder forum. The forum was centred around the provision of NDIS (National Disability...
Safe from Harm – Multiagency Forum & Community Luncheon
The Moonee Valley Legal Service with the Moonee Valley Family Violence Network held a multiagency forum for stakeholders and service providers of...
IFTAR Youth Dinner
Moonee Valley Legal Service and Valley Youth hosted an event for young people within the City of Moonee Valley. An Iftar dinner was held at Mendi...